Alpini Cannone 75/13

I finished a small add-on to my Alpini army: a Cannone da 75/13 Mod.1915, an old cannon from  World War I that was still used by Italian mountain troops. The Divisions Julia, Tridentina and Cuneense in Russia had 72 of them. 

In Bolt Action I play the gun Veteran for 60 Points. It is a piece of great tactic value. With its Leadership 10 (with the new rules it recovers D2 Pins every Order Test), Gun Shield and Veteran status, it takes a lot of damage, before it is removed from game. At the same time it is a constant menace for ever infantry unit and unarmoured vehicle (and with D3 Pins and +2 Pen it is a thorn in the side even for armoured vehicles).

 This light howitzer will have the Mule Team as towing "vehicle", allowing it to move on rough ground and deep snow. 

The gun is from Strategia Nova, while the crew is from Great Escape Games.


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